Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Whistle While You Work: Bloody Disgusting Will Keep You Going for Over 90 Hours!

I don't know about you, but when I'm reading horror, writing horror or even just want to dream horror, I throw on my favorite soundtracks, be it Re-Animator or The Omen, and have myself a good old time. Obviously the guys over at Bloody-Disgusting feel the same way, so they've compiled a massive 90+ hour Spotify playlist full of all your favorites?

Whether you want to take a trip down memory lane with your favorite themes, or just put it on shuffle and create a fun little guessing game, this playlist is pretty much a must have for horror fans. Head below and check it out, and thank BD's John Marrone for the ear candy!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! I know what I'll be listening to while I'm chained to the computer this weekend!
