I remember a huge turning point for me, when I went from being scared stiff to absolutely entranced by horror movies, was when I began to have this unexplainable feeling and desire to learn everything I could about the horror movies that I was beginning to love, as opposed to despise. I spent hours watching the special features and documentaries on films like The Omen and The Exorcist, and I can safely say that this is something that has never really changed with me. I still spend hours watching YouTube videos of behind the scenes footage, make up tests, camera tests, anything I can feast my eyes on.
I was very excited to hear about this, K. John McDonagh has begun production on what will be the most in depth and prolific Hellraiser documentary ever released. Entitled Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser & Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, the documentary will take you behind the scenes of the two greatest films of the franchise (as well as two of the greatest films in horror history) by bringing back key members of the cast and crew for interviews and stories. Simon Bamford, Barbie Wilde, Nicholas Vince, Oliver Parker, Christopher Figg, Geoff Portass, Roy Pudefoot, Cliff Wallace, Mark Coulier, John Midgley, and many more are set to make appearances.
“Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history, making of and unknown details of the making of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II films.
With interviews and testimonies from those most closely involved, we hope to bring a comprehensive insight to these classic cult films.
Following the story of the films from their inception through production to release and the their subsequent lives and growing fan base, we aim to show fans and those less familiar with the films both the technical skills, the creative idea, the symbolism and the legacy of these movies.
Delving deep into the director’s vision and ambitions for the project we’ll be exploring where he came from, where his career had taken him and the inspiration for the story and world he created. We’ll be telling the story of his journey of making them and how close they came to his vision at the time and how he feels about them over 25 years later.”
I'm surprised to see that Doug Bradley's has not been attached yet, but I feel that it's pretty safe to say that we will see the man himself sharing plenty of stories from behind the pins. I can't wait to see how this comes along, and you too can keep up with the news at the film's website and Facebook page.
I can't wait. I love watching documentaries behind my favorite classic movies. I just finished watching Nightmare on Elm Street 2+ hour documentary about all the movies except for the 2009 remake.